My Code is Ethics (3.01 Code of Ethics)

                                My Code of Ethics

1. Always present the truth in a way that it is to help the community and not hurt them.
2. Always be respectful and have integrity when reporting the story. Put yourself in their shoes
3. Avoid making someone look too miserable because you may affect your audience                                                                   4. Never accept gifts from people and never pay people.
5. Overall think about what you are exposing to your community, who are you representing.

My code of ethics is to help ensure that everyone is respected during a story and that the story is to be told the correct way. The public thinks they want to know the whole truth but sometimes we may ask for something that we are not ready to handle. My number one code is to ensure that stories tell the truth in a way that will make a community want to stand up and make a change if there has been a negative event, a story should not chastise a community but encourage them.

Code two, is to make sure that the story is really thought through by the reporter and that they know that this could have a major impact on someone. Always put yourself in the other person’s shoes because you never know what circumstances that they could be going through. Code three is to represent a person well never overdue their situation and never under do. Code four is to know that you are to never accept gifts; people want to be able to put their trust in you. They do not want to find out later that you may have paid or have gotten paid to do a story that may have left a major impacted on the community; people do not handle scandals very well.

The last code is to just make sure that a reporter truly knows what he or she is about to expose, if you do not feel comfortable do something about it and if you cannot try your best to show that you care. These codes I think are the most important and will help reporters and journalist do what is morally right.

Who are Journalist….?

There are many different qualites a person should have when it comes to being a well-known journalists. To my standards,a journalist’s job is to inform me in the best way possible to make me understand about the current events around me  Personal, I do not care mine if they add their own opinions in the matter because this is what makes it fun and interesting. Three qualifications that can make someone a good journalists(or qualify as a journalists)are: credibility,relatable, and a passion for the job.

The two modern Journalists I have researched are Robin Roberts and Shaun Robinson, who are both TV broadcaster one for Good Morning America and Access Hollywood. If I ever went into journalism and TV I would want to be just like these women. Though journalism is can be range from radio,newspapers,or blogs when I think about it the first that comes to mine is Television. Out of all the journalists I choose these two because they both have been around for a long in the news and media world. For my first qualification credibility Robin has shown this by having interviewed many people from around the world. She seems that she does not lie on air, nor does Shaun but something in entertainment news you never know what is the truth. Also when both of them are telling the news or reporting they both make it relatable to the audience. Shaun more than Robin, sometimes add more opinion and emotion to her stories.

The last qualification I choose was to have passion for the job and both these women show passion when they come on live every single morning and evening. Due to their passion makes the show interesting, and makes me want to tune in everyday. Robin Roberts has shown pure passion in the last couple of months when she had to leave due to health issue but she push her way through and came back to GMA, which everyone welcomed her back.

So a journalist to me is someone I can trust with what they are telling me, also someone I can relate to or is able to relate to their audience really well and last a journalists needs to have the passion behind his or her work. Their job is to inform people about the events going on around them, through many have different methods they all help get the job done.  Robin Roberts and Shaun Robinson display my qualifications and this is what makes them a true journalists to my definition.

Evolution of American Journalism….How we have changed

                Journalism had been around as long as the government has been serving the people of the United States. As America began to evolve the sources of information too evolved with it. As said by Oscar Wilde ” In America the president reigns for four years, and journalism governs for ever and ever.” This quote would be shown throughout many cases as the U.S. was brought to wars and scandals all supported by journalists.
               Journalism has evolved around the technology that America went through such as the Manifest Destiny time period that led to trains and soon telephone lines. This allowed for news to be shared from state to state as the country contiuned to grow bigger. Also the use and sources of the news comes from what method americans like to use most. Such as the smartphone recently hitting the market, making many new customers who would soon get their information electronically. This caused for journalist to go to blogs,and other websites to relay their infomation. Their has been many talk about News Papers ending printing and going straight to the web. A creation made by Benjamin Franklin may come to a end in the upcoming years or so.
              Thanks to the first amendment journalists are protected which comes in handy when some of them dig up some deep storys that lie within our government or any other higher position in our world. I think we should all be thankful for early american journalism and the freedom of the press. Why? It’s because during the early stages of journalism it was not easy, for some of the people had to start from scratch without any form of technology, and others had to do it in secrecy(such as in colonial times).
             Overall I would like to know in the time we are in now what do journalist have to do now and what it takes. Also I wonder does the first amendment still affect us today, when we have several ways to acess and post our own information and call ourselves journalist?